Research Process

1. What is the research process? What are the steps involved?

        The research process is a simple means of effectively locating information for a research project, be it a research paper, an oral presentation, or something else assigned by your professor. Because research is a process, you will need to allow for ample time to refine or change your topic. Be sure to allow a few weeks to have materials delivered from other libraries.

             Step 1 – Choose your topic.
             Step 2 – Find basic information.
             Step 3 – Refine your topic.
             Step 4 – Locate and retrieve materials.
             Step 5 – Evaluate relevancies of materials.
             Step 6 – Take notes.
             Step 7 – Construct your project.

2. Have you ever done research? 

        Yes, I have ever done research for once when I was in Intermediate level for an  essay, which the topic was  Wild Animal Should not be in Zoos. I did this research on the Internet, because there is a great amount of information that is related to this topic and I was able to find out the information that I need conveniently.

3. Are you looking forward to doing a research paper in English? Why or why not?

      Sure, I am looking forward to doing a research paper  in English.  (I have to say something like this, because I have no any other choices, even if I think I will have plenty of information and materials to handle for an essay.)

      Actually, doing research is fun, yet handling and collecting the necessary information to write an essay is not such easy. I know when I get into my future program, there will be a great deal of essays waiting for me, and they will say” Get me home, be my baby-sister!”

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